The Leaderboard
2024’s Best Catch & Release Trophy Fishing!
Angler | Species | Length | Date | Lure |
Kevin Dougherty | Walleye | 29" | May 18 | Rapala |
Jim Dougherty | Musky | 47" | May 18 | Rapala |
Rick Estrada | Walleye | 27.75" | May 19 | Plastic |
Rudy Ruediger | Walleye | 28" | May 21 | Minnow |
Mark Kenton | Smallmouth | 18.75" | May 22 | Rapala |
Jacob VanDenHeuvel | Walleye | 31" | May 23 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 28" | May 24 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern | 38" | May 27 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | May 27 | Jig |
Craid Huff | Walleye | 27" | May 30 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18" (2) | May 31 | Spinner |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | May 31 | Jig |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18.75" | May 31 | Spinner |
Pat Retzlaff | Walleye | 27" | June 2 | Minnow |
Travis Wilson | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 4 | Rapala |
Bart Williams | Musky | 46" | June 8 | Clown Rogue |
Charlie Guffey | Walleye | 27" | June 10 | Clown Rogue |
Charlie Guffey | Musky | 46" | June 10 | Blades |
Scott Sammons | Walleye | 27" | June 10 | Leech |
Ron Tucker | Walleye | 27" | June 11 | Rapala |
Jeff Absher | Northern Pike | 38" | June 11 | Buck Tail |
Brode Williams | Smallmouth Bass | 23" | June 12 | Rogue |
Rick Sparks | Musky | 43" | June 15 | |
Matt Senica | Musky | 42" | June 15 | |
Kaden Alavi | Musky | 40" | June 15 | |
Kaden Alavi | Walleye | 30" | June 15 | |
Konrad Kremper | Walleye | 27.5" | June 15 | |
Nick Zwolinski | Musky | 40" | June 16 | |
Colin Zwolinski | Muksy | 40" | June 16 | |
Colin Zwolinski | Northern Pike | 38" | June 16 | |
Steve Senica | Musky | 47.5" | June 16 | |
Steve Chrastka | Musky | 41" | June 16 | |
Steve Senica | Walleye | 29" | June 16 | |
Matt Senica | Walleye | 29" | June 17 | |
Matt Senica | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | June 17 | |
Steve Senica | Musky | 43" | June 17 | |
Gavin Mastalarz | Musky | 47" | June 17 | |
Joseph Shuman | Musky | 43" | June 17 | |
Miles Kremper | Musky | 42" | June 17 | |
Nolan Zwolinski | Walleye | 29" | June 17 | |
JG Kremper | Walleye | 28" | June 17 | |
Miles Kremper | Musky | 43" | June 18 | |
Steve Alavi | Northern Pike | 40" | June 18 | |
Steve Senica | Walleye | 27" x2 | June 18 | |
Spoon Zwolinski | Musky | 40" | June 18 | |
Matt Zwolinski | Musky | 47" | June 19 | |
Matt Senica | Musky | 40" | June 19 | |
Mike Senica | Musky | 42" | June 20 | |
Matt Zwolinski | Musky | 53.5" | June 20 | |
Jerry Mastalarz | Musky | 47" | June 20 | |
Cam Senica | Northern Pike | 42" | June 21 | |
Steven Shuman | Musky | 40" | June 21 | |
Gavin Borsky | Musky | 40" | June 21 | |
Mike Senica | Musky | 48" | June 21 | |
Chick Macal | Walleye | 28.5" | June 23 | Leech |
Mark Bowman | Walleye | 28" | June 24 | Leech |
Roman Jamrogiewicz | Northern | 40" | June 25 | Leech |
Jack Tycholis | Smallmouth Bass | 19.75" | June 26 | Leech |
Debbie Warren | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | June 30 | Plastic |
Nevaeh Kocian | Walleye | 28.5" | June 30 | Leech |
Linda Brecht | Walleye | 29" | July 1 | Leech |
Nevaeh Kocian | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | July 2 | Spinner |
James Kenneke | Walleye | 27" | July 2 | Leech |
Dawson Kocian | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 3 | |
Debbie Warren | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | July 3 | Crawler |
Dean Bohman | Walleye | 27" | July 7 | Leech |
Andy Goettl | Walleye | 27" | July 7 | Leech |
Tim Stuebs | Walleye | 28.75" | July 8 | |
Henry Acker | Walleye | 29.1875" | July 9 | |
Charlie Doonan | Walleye | 27.5" | July 10 | Leech |
Tim Stuebs | Musky | 49" | July 11 | Buck Tail |
Braden Bohman | Walleye | 28.5" | July 11 | Leech |
Nicole Doonan | Walleye | 27.5" | July 12 | Crawler |
Jim Walker | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 15 | Crawler |
Chris Schrantz | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 15 | Crawler |
Brian Malyon | Walleye | 28.5" | July 15 | Crawler |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 28" | July 17 | Crawler |
Zach Phillips | Musky | 46" | July 17 | Bucktail |
Caleb Malyon | Walleye | 27.5" | July 19 | Crawler |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 28" | July 19 | Crawler |
Marilyn Bauman | Walleye | 28" | July 19 | Crawler |
Caleb Malyon | Walleye | 28" | July 19 | Crawler |
Chris Schrantz | Walleye | 28" | July 19 | Crawler |
Dave Quale | Northern | 41" | July 27 | |
Jess Ackerman | Walleye | 27" | July 27 | Leech |
Orv Vis | Walleye | 28" | July 29 | Leech |
Craig Veurink | Walleye | 27.25" | July 29 | |
Debbie Rucker | Smallmouth Bass | 19.5" | July 31 | Crawler |
Mike Miedema | Walleye | 27" | August 1 | Leech |
Kelly Cresap | Walleye | 27" | August 4 | Crawler |
Karla Cresap | Walleye | 28" | August 5 | Crawler |
Brandon Hutchins | Musky | 48.5" | August 14 | |
Daniel Morin | Musky | 43.25" | August 15 | |
Ivor Olesen | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | August 17 | |
Sam Predayna | Musky | 40" | August 20 | |
Bruce Kies | Walleye | 28" | August 21 | |
Jerod Steindl | Walleye | 29" | August 27 | |
Mike Stalknecht | Walleye | 27.5" | September 17 | |
Angler | Species | Length | Date | Lure |
Rick Estrada | Northern | 40.5" | May 20 | Rapala |
Jacob Van Den Heuvel | Walleye | 27" | May 21 | Minnow |
Sandi Kaebisch | Walleye | 29" | May 25 | Rapala |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 28" | May 25 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | May 25 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern | 38" | May 27 | Cisco |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18.25" | May 27 | Minnow |
Jack Finstad | Smallmouth | 18.5" | May 28 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 27" | May 29 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 27.5" & 28.5" | May 29 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern | 40" | May 30 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 27" | May 30 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18.75" | May 30 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 29.5" | May 31 | Minnow |
Gary Knabe | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | May 31 | Spinner |
Loretta Knabe | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | May 31 | Spinner |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 1 | Minnow |
Tammy Adams | Walleye | 28" | June 1 | Minnow |
Elise Riley | Walleye | 28.75" | June 1 | Minnow |
Karla Cresap | Walleye | 28.5" | June 4 | Rapala |
Julie Morben | Walleye | 28" | June 4 | Minnow |
Paulie Schmidt | Walleye | 27" | June 6 | Rapala |
Bart Williams | Walleye | 27" | June 10 | Rogue |
Mark Portell | Walleye | 28" | June 10 | Minnow |
Charlie Guffey | Walleye | 27" | June 10 | Rapala |
Ron Tucker | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | June 10 | Rogue |
Joey Portell | Musky | 40" | June 12 | - |
Ron Tucker | Walleye | 27" | June 12 | Rogue |
Vinny Donorio | Northern | 38" | June 13 | - |
Bart Williams | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 13 | Rogue |
Lou Cimineri | Northern | 38" | June 15 | - |
Julie Morben | Walleye | 28.5" | June 16 | Leech |
MIlan Staron | Musky | 45" | June 18 | Phantom |
Colin Zwolinski | Musky | 47" | June 19 | Cow Girl |
Konrad Kremper | Musky | 40" | June 19 | |
Gavin Kremper | Musky | 40" | June 19 | |
Miles Kremper | Walleye | 28" | June 20 | Leech |
Konrad Kremper | Musky | 49" | June 21 | |
Cameron Kremper | Walleye | 27" | June 23 | Leech |
Dayton Gremminger | Musky | 46" | June 27 | Blades |
Ryan Strey | Walleye | 27.5" | June 28 | Crawler |
Herb Vargas | Walleye | 27.5" | June 28 | Leech |
Mark Hathaway | Musky | 42" | June 29 | Crank Bait |
Richard Binkowski | Walleye | 28" | June 29 | Leech |
Eugene Korleski | Musky | 43" | June 29 | Top Water |
Jim Bohnsack | Musky | 46" | June 30 | Spinner |
Herb Vargas | Walleye | 28" | June 30 | Leech |
Amanda Morin | Walleye | 27.5" | July 3 | Leech |
Andrew Doonan | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 4 | Spinner |
Dan Morin | Walleye | 28" | July 4 | Leech |
Charlie Doonan | Walleye | 27.5" | July 5 | Leech |
Andrew Doonan | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | July 5 | Spinner |
Caleb Malyon | Walleye | 28" | July 7 | Crawler |
Bennet Beckering | Walleye | 27" | July 9 | Leech |
Dan Beckering | Walleye | 27.75" | July 9 | Leech |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 27" | July 9 | Crawler |
Jim Stolpa | Walleye | 28" | July 10 | Crawler |
Caleb Malyon | Walleye | 27.5" | July 11 | Crawler |
Jim Walker | Walleye | 28" | July 12 | Crawler |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 28" | July 12 | Crawler |
Jerry Beckering | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 13 | Leech |
Dan Beckering | Walleye | 29" | July 14 | Leech |
Kansas Smith | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 14 | Spinner |
Matt Byrnes | Walleye | 27" | July 17 | Crawler |
Tom Wasiak | Walleye | 31" | July 20 | Leech |
Craig Mundt | Walleye | 27" | July 20 | Leech |
Craig Mundt | Musky | 46.5" | July 20 | Crank Bait |
Jack Osweiler | Walleye | 28" | July 20 | Leech |
Chuck Rucker | Smallmouth Bass | 18.75" | July 21 | Spinner |
Sam Hiserote | Walleye | 29" | July 21 | Crawler |
Nick Nicholas | Walleye | 32" | July 25 | Crawler |
Mike Bols | Walleye | 28.5" | July 25 | Leech |
Marilyn Bauman | Walleye | 29.5" | July 27 | Crawler |
Tom Tahija | Smallmouth Bass | 21" | July 29 | Crawler |
Max Kim | Musky | 40.5" | July 31 | Bucktail |
Julie Erickson | Walleye | 28" | Aug 2 | Crawler |
Nan Bong | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | Aug 3 | Crawler |
Dave Lambert | Walleye | 28" x2 | Aug 3 | Leech |
Chris Hutchins | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug 4 | Crawler |
Evan Erickson | Northern Pike | 40" | Aug 4 | Bucktail |
Dave Quale | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug 4 | Leech |
Matt Thompson | Walleye | 28" | Aug 6 | Leech |
Nathan Goracke | Smallmouth Bass | 18.75 | Aug 6 | Crawler |
Kyle Dwitz | Musky | 47.5" | Aug 7 | Bucktail |
Evelyn Erickson | Walleye | 27.25" | Aug 8 | Crawler |
Kyle Dewitz | Musky | 46" | Aug 8 | Bucktail |
Dave Quale | Musky | 50" | Aug 10 | Bulldog |
Dave Quale | Northern Pike | 38.5" | Aug 10 | Bulldog |
Scott Jansen | Musky | 41" | Aug 10 | Bulldog |
Mitchel Hutchins | Walleye | 27" | Aug 10 | Crawler |
Eli Zimmerman | Walleye | 27" | Aug 18 | Minnow |
Nate Zimmerman | Walleye | 28" | Aug 18 | Minnow |
Steve Predayna | Musky | 45.75" | Aug 19 | Bucktail |
Mike Stalknecht | Walleye | 27" | Aug 19 | Rapala |
Soumil Deshmukh | Walleye | 28.5" | Aug 21 | Minnow |
Ross Fredenburg | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug 21 | Minnow |
Randy Ellner | Musky | 49.75" | Aug 21 | Top Water |
Mike Stalknecht | Walleye | 29" | Aug 21 | Minnow |
Sam Predayna | Musky | 40" | Aug 22 | Bucktail |
Amelia Paetznick | Smallmouth Bass | 19" & 18.5" | Aug 22 | Spinner |
Henry Paetznick | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | Aug 22 | Spinner |
Steve Predayna | Musky | 50" | Aug 22 | Bucktail |
Rick Crescente | Musky | 42" | Aug 23 | Whaletail |
Sam Predayna | Musky | 49.5" | Aug 23 | Bucktail |
Steve Predayna | Musky | 44.25" | Aug 23 | Bucktail |
Soumil Deshmukh | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | Aug 23 | MInnow |
Ross Fredenburg | Walleye | 27.25" | Aug 23 | Minnow |
Mike Stalknecht | Walleye | 27.25" & 27" | Aug 24 | Minnow |
Laurence Levin | Walleye | 29" | Aug 24 | Minnow |
Sam Predayna | Musky | 43.5" | Aug 24 | Bucktail |
Keith Salamonski | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug 24 | Minnow |
Steve Predayna | Musky | 48.5" | Aug 24 | Bucktail |
Henry Paetznick | Perch | 13" | Aug 25 | Twistertail |
2022 Leader Board | ||||
Rick Estrada | Walleye | 28.5" | May 21 | Rapala |
Tom Dougherty | Walleye | 27" | May 21 | Artificial |
Sandi Van Den Heuvel | Walleye | 28" | May 22 | Rapala |
Rick Gebbard | Walleye | 29" | May 22 | Minnow |
Jim Dougherty | Walleye | 28" | May 22 | Rapala |
Craig Huff | Walleye | 29" | May 23 | Artificial |
Jacob Van Den Heuvel | Walleye | 27.5" | May 23 | Minnow |
Jim Dougherty | Walleye | 29", 27", 28.5 | May 23 | Rapala |
Kevin Dougherty | Walleye | 28.5" | May 23 | Rapala |
Rick Binder | Walleye | 29" | May 23 | Rapala |
Rick Estrada | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | May 24 | Artificial |
Kevin Dougherty | Northern Pike | 38" | May 24 | Crank Bait |
Tom Dougherty | Northern Pike | 38" | May 24 | Rapala |
Tom Kenton | Northern Pike | 39" | May 25 | Stick Bait |
Payton Van Den Heuvel | Walleye | 27" | May 25 | MInnow |
Beth Maeder | Northern Pike | 38.5", 38" | May 26 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern Pike | 38" | May 26 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 27', 28" | May 26 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 30", 27.5", 27.5" | May 27 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | May 27 | MInnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern Pike | 38" | May 28 | Cisco |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 28.5", 28", 27" | May 28 | MInnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 27.25", 27" | May 28 | MInnow |
Gary Knabe | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | May 28 | Spinner |
Kathy Isaacson | Walleye | 27.5", 27.5" | May 29 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 29.5" | May 29 | Minnow |
John Finstad | Walleye | 28" | May 30 | Minnow |
Karla Cresap | Walleye | 28.5" | May 30 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 27.25" | May 30 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 27.25", 27.25" | May 31 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 29", 28.5", 28.5" | May 31 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | June 1 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 31" | June 1 | Minnow |
James Weicht | Northern Pike | 39" | June 1 | Spinner Bait |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 28.75" | June 2 | Minnow |
Julie Morben | Walleye | 27" | June 3 | Minnow |
Jerry Morben | Walleye | 28" | June 4 | Minnow |
Jack Osweiler | Walleye | 28" | June 5 | Minnow |
Tom Gassman | Walleye | 28.5" | June 6 | Minnow |
Matt Osweiler | Walleye | 28.75" | June 6 | Minnow |
Jerry Osweiler | Walleye | 29" | June 6 | Minnow |
Dave Luke | Walleye | 31" | June 6 | Minnow |
Jerry Morben | Northern Pike | 40" | June 6 | Cisco |
Jack Osweiler | Walleye | 28.5 | June 7 | Minnow |
Tom Gassman | Walleye | 28.5 | June 7 | Aritifical |
Matt Osweiler | Musky | 46" | June 8 | Minnow |
Jack Osweiler | Walleye | 28.5" | June 8 | Minnow |
Elise Riley | Walleye | 27" | June 8 | Minnow |
Terry Wilson | Walleye | 29" | June 9 | Artificial |
Travis Wilson | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 9 | Spinner |
Elise Riley | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 10 | Artificial |
Bart Williams | Smallmouth Bass | 21.5", 20" | June 11 | Rogue |
Ron Tucker | Smallmouth Bass | 20" | June 12 | Rogue |
Bart Williams | Walleye | 28" | June 12 | Rogue |
Perry Vanhook | Musky | 42" | June 12 | Repps |
Jerry Morben | Walleye | 28" | June 12 | Minnow |
Pat Retzlaff | Walleye | 28" | June 13 | Artificial |
Carson Acey | Walleye | 27" | June 13 | Rapala |
Ron Tucker | Musky | 44", 42" | June 13 | Rogue |
Bart Williams | Musky | 42" | June 14 | Rogue |
Bart Williams | Northern Pike | 38" | June 14 | Rogue |
Perry Vanhook | Smallmouth Bass | 20" | June 15 | Rogue |
Julie Morben | Walleye | 27" | June 15 | Minnow |
Ron Tucker | Northern Pike | 39" | June 15 | Rogue |
Shawn Ross | Smallmouth Bass | 19.75" | June 16 | Spinner |
Payton Larson | Walleye | 27" | June 17 | Minnow |
Lou Cimineri | Musky | 43" | June 19 | Mepps |
Gavin Kremper | Musky | 46", 44" | June 19 | Rogue |
Colin Zwolinski | Walleye | 28" | June 19 | Rapala |
Hank Zwolinksi | Walleye | 28" | June 19 | Artificial |
Jennings Ray | Walleye | 29" | June 20 | Rapala |
Jeff Ray | Musky | 38" | June 20 | Jointed Bait |
Konrad Kremper | Walleye | 27", 27" | June 20 | Rogue |
Connor Sparks | Musky | 48" | June 20 | Phantom |
Randy Sparks | Walleye | 30" | June 20 | Aritficial |
Terry Taylor | Walleye | 27.5" | June 20 | Leech |
Nick Zwolinski | Musky | 51" | June 22 | Phantom |
Jeff Ray | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | June 23 | Jig |
Will Ray | Smallmouth Bass | 18.25" | June 23 | Jig |
Tony Brindle | Musky | 49", 41" | June 23 | Mepps |
Jim Bohnsack | Walleye | 27" | June 25 | Rapala |
Sam North | Musky | 46" | June 28 | Plug |
Rich Kostrova | Walleye | 30" | June 29 | Minnow |
Jerry Schenck | Smallmouth Bass | 18.75" | June 29 | Leech |
Dave Ledger | Musky | 43" | June 29 | Spinner |
Chad Paeznick | Walleye | 28" | June 30 | Rapala |
Natalie Pollitt | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 3 | Crawler |
Terry Brecht | Walleye | 28.5" | July 6 | Leech |
Angie Quale | Walleye | 29" | July 9 | Leech |
Chuck Rucker | Walleye | 28" | July 10 | Leech |
Andrew Doonan | Musky | 41.5" | July 10 | Showgirl |
Lily Quale | Walleye | 27" | July 10 | Leech |
Andrew Doonan | Musky | 42" | July 10 | Top Raider |
Bob Williams | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | July 11 | Leech |
Jack Tycholis | Musky | 43.5" | July 11 | Phantom |
Corky Atkinson | Musky | 42" | July 12 | Buck tail |
Dave Quale | Musky | 44" | July 12 | Phantom |
Andrew Doonan | Musky | 47" | July 13 | Showgirl |
Bill Tesh | Walleye | 28" | July 14 | Leech |
Chuck Rucker | Walleye | 32.5" | July 15 | Leech |
Nate Hammond | Walleye | 27" | July 16 | Leech |
Derek Doty | Walleye | 28" | July 16 | Leech |
Jackson Tycholis | Walleye | 27.5" | July 17 | Leech |
Phillip Brecht | Walleye | 30" | July 18 | Leech |
Zach Quale | Walleye | 27.5" | July 18 | Leech |
Shari Olson | Walleye | 29" | July 18 | Leech |
Austin Petersen | Smallmouth | 19" | July 20 | Crawler |
Steve Morley | Walleye | 27.5" | July 21 | Crawler |
Julie Erickson | Walleye | 33" | July 25 | Artificial |
Julie Erickson | Walleye | 30.25" | July 25 | Artificial |
Dave Erickson | Walleye | 30" | July 25 | Aritificial |
Caleb Malyon | Northern Pike | 43" | July 31 | Plug |
Jim Walker | Walleye | 28", 28" | July 31 | Crawler |
Bill Malyon | Walleye | 27.5", 27" | Aug. 1 | Crawler |
Jack Tycholis | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug. 2 | Leech |
Seth Malyon | Walleye | 27" | Aug. 2 | Crawler |
Chris Hutchins | Walleye | 28" | Aug. 7 | Leech |
Nan Bong | Walleye | 27" | Aug. 8 | Crawler |
Laura Hall | Walleye | 28" | Aug. 10 | Leech |
Chris Hutchins | Walleye | 28" | Aug. 14 | Leech |
Arron Nicklas | Musky | 45" | Aug. 18 | |
Dan James | Musky | 43" | Aug. 14 | |
Suzie Mills | Perch | 12" | Aug. 21 | |
Troy Hohn | Musky | 48.5" | Aug. 23 | Bucktail |
Jack Tycholis | Musky | 46.25" | Aug. 26 | Buchertail |
Beth Maeder | Musky | 44" | Sept. 3 | |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 4 | Leech |
Cody Maeder | Musky | 40" | Sept. 5 | |
Brianna Bohnsack | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 6 | |
Jim Bohnsack | Walleye | 28" | Sept. 7 | |
2021 Leader Board | ||||
Jackson Tycholis | Walleye | 27" | June 3 | Leech |
Henry Paetznick | Walleye | 28" | Aug. 14 | Minnow |
Jon Buckellew | Walleye | 27" | Aug. 14 | Crawler |
Jim Skwor | Walleye | 27.5" | Aug. 15 | Rapala |
Amelia Paetznick | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | Aug. 20 | Minnow |
Julie Erickson | Northern | 38" | Aug. 31 | Mepps |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 28" | Sept. 2 | Leech |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 6 | Leech |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 29" | Sept. 7 | Leech |
Dave Mace | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 9 | Leech |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 30" | Sept. 9 | Leech |
Beth Maeder | Musky | 40" | Sept. 9 | Cowgirl |
Tom Dougherty | Musky | 50.5" | Sept. 13 | Jointed Bait |
Rick Estrada | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 15 | Rapala |
Jim Bohnsack | Musky | 45" | Sept. 16 | Phantom |
Finley Ramirez | Northern Pike | 38.5" | Sept. 16 | Cowgirl |
John Riley | Northern Pike | 42" | Sept. 16 | Mepps |
Jerry Morben | Walleye | 27" | Sept. 21 | Minnow |
Steve Alavi | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | Sept. 21 | Minnow |
Mike Hallman | Northern Pike | 38" | Sept. 21 | Repps |
JG Kremper | Northern Pike | 41" | Sept. 22 | Phantom |
Barry Waters | Northern Pike | 42" | Sept. 27 | Bobby Bait |
Jerry Middleswart | Musky | 42" | Sept. 29 | Suick |
Evan Erickson | Musky | 43" | Sept. 30 | Deep Diver |
Barry Waters | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | Oct. 1 | Spinner |
Dave Erickson | Northern Pike | 38" | Oct. 1 | Jointed Bait |
Evan Erickson | Musky | 42" | Oct. 1 | Phantom |
Brian Hanson | Musky | 47" | Oct. 9 | Musky Bait |
2019 Leader Board | ||||
Dan Gebbard | Walleye | 27.5" | May 19 | Minnow |
Mikayla Showers | Northern Pike | 38" | May 21 | Plug |
Jim Dougherty | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | May 25 | Spinner Bait |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 29" & 29" | May 23 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | May 23 | Jig Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 27" | May 23 | Minnow |
Tom Dougherty | Walleye | 27.5" | May 25 | Rapala |
Jim Dougherty | Walleye | 28" | May 26 | Rapala |
Cody Maeder | Northern Pike | 41.5" & 39" | May 26 | Cisco |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 29" | May 26 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Northern Pike | 40" | May 27 | Minnow |
Beth Maeder | Northern Pike | 2 39" | May 29 | Cisco |
Beth Maeder | Northern Pike | 40" | May 30 | Cisco |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 31" | May 30 | Twister Tail |
Dave Luke | Walleye | 28" | June 4 | Minnow |
Mary Ellen Luke | Walleye | 28.5" | June 5 | Minnow |
Joel Schenck | Smallmouth Bass | 21" | June 9 | Clown Rogue |
Roger Gossett | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | June 9 | Clown Rogue |
Jerry Schenck | Walleye | 31" | June 14 | Leech |
Jackson Prather | Musky | 45" | June 14 | Clown Rogue |
Brodie Williams | Musky | 45" | June 12 | Rogue |
Brodie Williams | Musky | 46" | June 14 | Mepps Spinner |
Randy Sparks | Musky | 42" | June 16 | Phantom |
Payton Hallman | Northern Pike | 38.5" | June 17 | Plug |
Konrad Kremper | Northern Pike | 40" | June 17 | Phantom |
Sammy Chrastka | Smallmouth Bass | 18.5" | June 19 | Leech |
Drew Chrastka | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | June 20 | Leech |
Steve Chrastka | Walleye | 27" | June 20 | Leech |
Mike Hallman | Musky | 45" | June 20 | Leech |
Brody Hallman | Walleye | 27" | June 20 | Leech |
Kaden Alavi | Smallmouth Bass | 19" & 18.5" | June 20 | Spinner |
JG Kremper | Walleye | 29" | June 20 | Leech |
JG Kremper | Musky | 40" | June 21 | Phantom |
Matt Senica | Walleye | 31" | June 21 | Leech |
Bob Mudler | Walleye | 27" -4 of them! | June 21 | Leech |
Steve Senica | Musky | 47" & 42" | June 21 | Phantom |
John Humphreys | Musky | 46" | June 24 | Plug |
Mike Pfieffer | Walleye | 28" | June 25 | Leech |
Bill Harless | Walleye | 27" -3 of them! | June 25 | Leech |
Paul Goin | Walleye | 29" | June 26 | Leech |
Hugh Boyer | Walleye | 27" & 28.5" | June 26 | Leech |
Jennings Ray | Musky | 40" | June 27 | Plug |
Michael Smith | Walleye | 31" | July 4 | Leech |
Michael Smith | Smallmouth | 19" | July 5 | Small Spinner |
Al Buhk | Walleye | 27" | July 6 | Rapala |
Nevaeh Kocian | Walleye | 29" | July 6 | Leech |
Brad Kocian | Walleye | 30" | July 6 | Leech |
Chuck Pries | Musky | 44" | July 7 | Suick |
Will Breedlove | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | July 9 | Twister Tail |
Dan Brizzolara | Smallmouth Bass | 19" | July 12 | Spinner Bait |
Philip Brecht | Walleye | 28" | July 15 | Leech |
Bill Brecht | Walleye | 27" | July 16 | Leech |
Jeff Trentadue | Smallmouth Bass | 27.5" | July 16 | Minnow |
Brad Brecht | Walleye | 28" | July 16 | Leech |
Harry Eanes | Smallmouth Bass | 20" | July 17 | Spinner Bait |
Bill Brecht | Walleye | 28" | July 18 | Leech |
Larry Williams | Northern Pike | 37" | July 20 | Plug |
Dave Quale | Walleye | 27.5" | July 20 | Leech |
Dan Grothe | Walleye | 28.75" | July 22 | Leech |
Jackson Tycholis | Walleye | 26" | July 23 | Leech |
Tom Martin | Walleye | 27.5" | July 23 | Leech |
Travis Martin | Walleye | 27.5" | July 23 | Leech |
Blake Bohlender | Walleye | 27" | July 29 | Crawler |
Wally Johnson | Walleye | 30.5" | August 1 | Leech |
Debbie Rucker | Walleye | 29" | August 5 | Crawler |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 28.5" | August 5 | Crawler |
Caleb Malon | Walleye | 27" | August 6 | Leech |
Isaac Sharp | Walleye | 31" | August 8 | Leech |
Dwight Schussman | Walleye | 28" | August 9 | Crawler |
Dave Erickson | Walleye | 28" | August 9 | Crawler |
Julie Erickson | Northern Pike | 38" | August 9 | Mepps Spinner |
Renee Ryan | Walleye | 29" | August 11 | Minnow |
Chad Paetznick | Walleye | 28.5" | August 11 | Leech |
John Osweiler | Walleye | 29" | August 12 | Leech |
Brandon Hutchins | Walleye | 29.5" | August 14 | Leech |
Brandon Hutchins | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | August 14 | Leech |
Iver Oleson | Smallmouth Bass | 19" & 18" | August 15 | Twister Tail |
John Skwor | Walleye | 27.75" | August 24 | Jigging Rap |
Jim Skwor | Walleye | 29" | August 24 | Jigging Rap |
Jim Skwor | Smallmouth Bass | 18" | August 24 | Jigging Rap |
Mark Rowley | Walleye | 30" | August 27 | Crawler |
Don Sweet | Walleye | 27" | August 29 | Minnow |
Jim Skwor | Walleye | 27.75" | August 29 | Jigging Rap |
Duane Tackett | Walleye | 30" | August 29 | Crawler |
Beth Maeder | Musky | 39" | August 29 | Phantom |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 31.5" & 27" | September 1 | Jigging Rap |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 30" -2 of them!! | September 1 | Jigging Rap |
Debbie Warren | Walleye | 27" | September 2 | Crawler |
Beth Maeder | Walleye | 30.5" | September 3 | Jigging Rap |
Debbie Warren | Walleye | 29" | September 3 | Minnow |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 28.5" | September 5 | Jigging Rap |
Cody Maeder | Walleye | 32.75" | September 7 | Jigging Rap |
Robert Reed | Musky | 46" | September 8 | Plug |
Jim Bohnsack | Walleye | 29" | September 9 | Minnow |
Jacob Van Den Heuvel | Walleye | 28.5" | September 12 | Minnow |
Amy Tycholis | Walleye | 28" | September 17 | Minnow |